01. Calibration
Picture of pwht Equipment calibration

Calibration refers to the act of evaluating and adjusting the precision and accuracy of equipments. Equipment calibration is intended to eliminate or reduce bias in an equipment’s readings over a range for all continuous values. At Incertech we take care of calibration service for our products.

02. Rental
Picture of Post Weld Heat Treatment machine

At Incertech, we provide Heat Treatment Equipment / Machines and High Velocity Burners on rent to various industries. This helps customers who are not willing to buy an equipment for longer period and best solution is provided at low cost.

03. Repair
Picture of pwht product Repair

At Incertech, we handle repairing of the products such as Equipments, Heat Control Programmers, Burners, Ceramic Pad Heaters, Recorders etc. We do complete inspection of the product and then provide estimates for the work after inspection before starting the work.